Sketches written by Myles Hewette

I’ve been writing sketches for a while now and I’ve picked some of my favorites for you to watch! Here they are, in no particular order!

I am certain this is the highest production value ever for a sketch originally staged at the Creek and the Cave.

I’m very proud of this sketch and I’m still mad that the crowd didn’t like it as much as I do. But hey, that’s sketch writing, baybeee!

This was the last sketch I wrote before the pandemic shut down the UCB Theatre. The one note I got from the Artistic Director was that the second slide didn’t land because I did too good a job at photoshop!

This is my favorite instance of a running joke I did for a while, wherein a character takes off sunglasses to reveal a seond, slightly smaller pair of sunglasses.

I admit, this is a weird one. It was right in the midst of lockdown, all our brains were pretty fried. Anyway, congrats on scrolling all the way down here!

Fun Fact, this is based on a Canadian movie I saw that featured a cameo by David Bowie! I have no idea what it was called and hope I never learn.

I scored a World War I infantry helmet at a prop sale once and went on a real WWI kick for a while.

Yet another sketch I wrote that resulted in me buying a ridiculous prop! Although, really, who DOESN’T need an 88-key folding electric keyboard?

We later put this sketch up at Montreal Sketchfest! Because the blackout line included the words “the theme song for friends,” I knew the Tech might hit the lights the first time he heard those words. So I made sure to tell him, “don’t blackout the first time they mention Friends, do it the second time.” He nodded in French-Canadien. You can guess what happened during the show. C’est la vie!